Project number: 2018-001
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $21,600.00
Principal Investigator: Dean Jerry
Organisation: James Cook University (JCU)
Project start/end date: 14 Jul 2018 - 19 Jul 2018


The International Symposium for Genetics in Aquaculture (ISGA) is a triennial premier aquaculture event that brings together globally leading researchers, industry, and students who are interested in the application of genetics to the improvement of aquaculture production and sustainability. The conference is held on a different continent every 3 years and in 2018 the event will be held in Cairns, Queensland 15-20th July. The event usually attracts between 200-300 delegates. In 2018, the focal theme of the conference will be around industry implementation and practice of genetics into industrial aquaculture. As chair of ISGAXIII I am seeking sponsorship from FRDC to help support holding this premier event in Australia (only the second time it has been held here). Sponsorship will be used to support travel costs for an internationally renowned plenary speaker in the application of biotechnology and synthetic biological solutions to future aquaculture production (i.e CRISPR/TALEN gene editing, RNAi etc), to provide bursaries for participants from Australian industry/researchers to attend the conference and to cover costs associated with an industry tour to showcase to delegates examples of Australian tropical aquaculture. Sponsorship will be acknowledged through the display of FRDC's logo on relevant conference promotional material, in thanking of all sponsors, and at the start of the plenary speakers talk. There will also be provision for material to be in handouts for conference delegates. information on the conference can be found at the website


1. Bring a expert speaker to Australia to present on the future of synthetic biological technologies to the aquaculture industry
2. Offer opportunity for Australian industry to be exposed to the use of genetics and where the field is going relevant to aquaculture
3. Expose an international audience to several examples of Australia's best-practice aquaculture industries

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9954471-5-8
Author: Dean Jerry
Final Report • 2018-11-02 • 715.80 KB


The International Symposium for Genetics in Aquaculture (ISGA) is a triennial premier aquaculture event that brings together globally leading researchers, industry, and students who are interested in the application of genetics to the improvement of aquaculture production and sustainability. The conference is held on a different continent every 3 years and in 2018 the event was held in Cairns, Queensland 15-20th July. In 2018, the focal theme of the conference was based around industry implementation and practice of genetics into industrial aquaculture.
The conference showcased to industry not only the frontiers of genetic research when applied to aquaculture, but also how the global aquaculture industry is adopting genetics to improve productivity and some of the challenges they have faced and overcome. it provided an opportunity for the Australian industry to be exposed to genetics and how it is being used in aquaculture will raise awareness of its potential use in Australian industries.

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