Project number: 2013-404
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $60,000.00
Principal Investigator: Bronwyn M. Gillanders
Organisation: Australian Society For Fish Biology Inc
Project start/end date: 29 Apr 2013 - 28 Jan 2016


In the face of mounting pressure on Australia’s marine and freshwater ecosystems, arising from environmental and human factors, there is a need for robust scientific information to support the sustainable development and management of our aquatic resources. The Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) is Australia’s premier professional association for fish and fisheries researchers in Australia. The annual science conference (and workshop) makes an important and tangible contribution to skill development of people involved in fish and fisheries research and management, particularly offering students and early career researchers opportunities to present their work, interact with peers, develop collaborative links and obtain new ideas. ASFB has a strong commitment to promoting and communicating science, encouraging sustainable management practices, encouraging excellence in fisheries research, and recognizing outstanding contributions of scientists and professionals through various awards and scholarships.

This proposal is seeking sponsorship support for the annual science conference in 2013 (Hamilton, NZ), 2014 (Darwin) and 2015 (location to be decided but possibly New South Wales) and a series of conference associated awards that support student travel and recognise research excellence. The proposal addresses three people development program goals, namely (i) to encourage knowledge transfer and R&D adoption (ASFB annual science conference) and (ii) to recognise and promote achievements (ASFB student research awards) and (iii) to enhance industry leadership (bringing together a range of people for the annual conference). These activities will encourage participation and exchange of information and provide an opportunity to develop networks and collaborations with outside organisations.


1. Provide a forum for researchers, managers and stakeholders to meet to discuss issues relevant to fish and fisheries science and management
2. Support, encourage and recognise achievements of early career researchers
3. Suport and encourage student participation at ASFB's annual science conference

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9954279-0-7
Author: Bronwyn Gillanders

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