Project number: 2008-319
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $54,000.00
Principal Investigator: Frank B. Prokop
Organisation: Recfishwest
Project start/end date: 31 May 2008 - 14 Mar 2009


The recreational fishing industry in Australia is extremely important, with more than $2 billion in economic activity and participation rates of 20 - 30% of the adult population. Recreational fisheries management and the industry itself is struggling to establish its identity in a local, national and international context.

Australian recreational fisheries management is highly regarded throughout the world. This conference provides a unique and important opportunity for Australia to learn where it sits in a world context. This project seeks to replicate the initiative of the commercial fishing industry for study tours following the European Seafood Exposition.

The opportunity exists following the the World Recreational Fishing Conference in Florida to put together a program that adds value to bursary winners and provides significantly better outcomes beyond conference attendance. As with the ESE industry tour, the project will broaden the project's impact through invitations to other Australian delegates who are attending the conference, to be a part of the study tour. This aspect of the project encourages wide participation and will add significantly to the outcomes of not only this project, but the investment made by others in attending the conference in Florida.

The United States has a long history of more intensive and well funded recreational fisheries management and administration. There are important advantages in being able to see programs and intitiatives in operation or administration. The group will be able to critique the American projects and seek to adopt relevant components in Australia.

Australian recreational fisheries management stands at the threshold of important changes. As integrated or co-management systems are being implemented, it is important to have a variety of experienced and new people able to meet new challenges.


1. Empower young recreational fishing industry leaders through a study tour of United States recreational fisheries management and peak body initiatives
2. Educate recreational fishers in Australia of relevant recreational fisheries management initiatives for inclusion in stategic and operational plans
3. Report on Australian recreational fisheries management and peak body governance against benchmark United States initiatives

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